Small Groups

Authentic Community
We believe in living life the way God calls us to live it: in community. Small groups are where a large church body truly practices and lives out community. Joining a group is your first step to building authentic relationships, deepening your faith, and impacting the world around you with the love of Jesus.
Here is a list of the small groups currently meeting within RBC. If you have any questions or would like to check out a group, contact the church office.
Multigenerational Group
Wednesday evenings, fortnightly | 7PM | Careys’ home, Rowville
People can arrive around 7pm for a cuppa and conversation, with our study beginning at 7:30pm and finishing by 9pm. We are open to anyone who wants to connect with our group.The current mix of people is couples, but we’d love to have some new faces join in our journey together. We have done a mix of working through a book of the Bible to using a
book to guide our study. We take time to pray for one another and encourage each other in our spiritual journeys. Periodically we enjoy sharing a potluck meal and fellowship together.
Men’s Group
Wednesday evenings, fortnightly | 7PM | WCC Seminar Room
We are open to any of the men who would like to connect in as we study the Bible together. Often our group will use a study guide to help guide our time as we discuss what we are learning while enjoying a cup of coffee.
Mature Adults (65+ Group)
Friday mornings, fortnightly | 11:30AM – 1:30PM | Portable
We are open to anyone 65+ who wants to connect with our group. We enjoy a time of studying the Bible, fellowship over lunch and an occasional social get-together.
Wednesday Evening Group
1st & 3rd Mondays | 10.30AM – 12PM | WCC Seminar Room
We are open to anyone who wishes to join us. We use study guides which usually cost around $10 per participant. We work through the chapters of the study guide in advance of our meetings so that we come prepared for discussion.
Daytime Study Group
Wednesdays | 7.30PM | Deaths’ home, Rowville
We study the Bible and pray with one another as well as enjoy times of fellowship. All are welcome.
Young Adults Group
Wednesdays | 7.30PM | Portable
Young adults are welcome to join us as we study God’s Word and prayer together. Once a month we move into the auditorium to watch The Chosen video. A chat with Pastor Sean for more information.