
Sunday, 15 December 2024
Come and celebrate the wonder of Christmas with fun, laughing, carols, drama and sharing in some delicious refreshments. We’ll have a great time together as we look forward to celebrating the good news of Jesus’s birth.
- All are welcome for this FREE event
- 1 hour of carols and fun followed by fruitcake, fruit and punch
- Appropriate for people of all ages

Christmas Day
Wednesday, 25 December 2024
Celebrate the birth of Jesus with us with carols, Bible readings and a short message.

Baptism Sunday
Sunday, 2 February 2025
People are baptised as a public declaration of their trust in Jesus as Lord and Saviour. It follows a person’s commitment to follow Jesus and is a public declaration of their faith and an invitation for the church to support the person as a disciple. Baptism involves the person being fully immersed in water as a symbol of their identification with Jesus’s death – the dying of our old self-centred, sinful life and our rising to new life made possible through Jesus’s resurrection.
Baptisms will take place during our regular morning service. Following the service, we will share a church BBQ lunch together. All are welcome.
If you have never been baptised and would like to know more, please let us know. We’d love to help and answer any questions you might have.

Board Game Bonanza
Saturday, 10 February 2024
This is a FREE community event – all ages and experience levels welcome. Our vision is to create a space where everyone feels welcomed and can connect with others.
We’ve got a huge range of games available to play, as well as many for purchase onsite from game shop, Time to Play.
If you don’t know anyone, or haven’t played before, we’ll be happy to introduce you to others and teach you some games. Our hosts are gamers and welcome questions.
- FREE family-friendly event
- Try the games provided or bring your own
- BYO food
- Come & go as you please