Visit Us
Welcome to Rowville Baptist Church
We are a community of people seeking to become more like Jesus and showing Jesus to the world.
Come and visit – we’d love to meet you!
Sundays | 10 AM

Come as you are. Don’t worry about dressing up; wear what is comfortable for you. If you have babies or toddlers, we have a creche, but we don’t mind their noise in the service. Our services tend to last for about an hour and 15 minutes, with coffee and tea available afterwards.


Getting here
6 Le John Street, Rowville (corner of Wellington Road and Le John Street)
Plan your visit
Where to go
Entrance of the auditorium
From the designated visiting parking area, the entrance to the auditorium is down the
pathway between a portable building on the left and the playground on the right. The
entrance to the auditorium is the single door at the end of the path. [We apologise for
this less-than-inviting entrance during the existing building works.]
Children and youth
Babies & Toddlers
We have a room at the back of the auditorium where parents can sit with their children and watch the service through a glass wall. There are adult chairs, couch and children’s toys are in the room and the space is relatively soundproof so you can relax while your children play. A microwave, sink and baby changing area are available for use.
Children & Youth
During the school term we have programs for children (Kinder to Grade 6) and youth (Year 7-9). An announcement will be made about 20 minutes into the service when children and youth can go to their programs.
Children will need to be registered to attend their programs. This is done as you arrive, at a sign-in table inside the auditorium.
School Holidays
During the school holidays we encourage children and youth to attend the service and worship together as a family. Kids’ activity sheets and colouring pencils are available for primary children.
Before and after the service
During the service
You might be wondering what you can expect in our services. Here are some things which are regular parts of our gatherings:
- Usually 3 worship songs at the beginning. People will be invited to stand by the worship leader. You are welcome to stand or sit. The worship leader may lead a prayer or two during this time. You may wish to close your eyes during prayers during the service, but you are certainly not required to participate.
- Someone will welcome everyone from the stage and invite children to the front to watch a brief all-age video on the Bible passage for the day. [The passage we cover in the sermon later in the service is the same passage the kids and youth will be exploring in their programs.] Kids and youth will be released to their programs after the video.
- As the kids leave for their programs, we will take up an offering. There is no expectation for guests to contribute to this; this is for regular attenders. Most regular attenders give to the work of the church by bank transfer, so you may not see many people contributing to the offering.
- Someone will then come to the front to lead a time of prayer for 3-5 minutes.
- Another person will then come to read a passage from the Bible.
- Our lead pastor or a guest will come and speak for 25-30 minutes. This is usually part of a sermon series and involves helping us understand what the Bible says about God or how we can live as followers of Jesus. You can check out past sermons via the button below.
- On the first Sunday of each month we share Communion (also called the Lord’s Supper) together. This is something we do as followers of Jesus to remember his sacrifice for us on the cross. It involves eating a small piece of cracker and some grape juice as a symbol of his body and blood given for us. People are invited to come to one of the tables around the room, collect the emblems and take them back to their seat. You are welcome to participate in this if you are a follower of Jesus.
- The worship team will lead us in a song after the sermon or communion, again inviting everyone to stand.
- Someone will close the service with some relevant announcements for the week and a closing prayer. There will be an invitation for people to meet with the prayer team after the service if they have anything they are seeking prayer for.
Am I welcome?
Yes! Anyone is welcome to join us, regardless of beliefs, dress, history or culture.
There’s no dress code, so wear whatever you’re comfortable in, and you don’t need to bring anything with you.
There’s no expectation or pressure for you to participate in aspects of our service (such as singing, prayer, giving or communion). You are welcome to simply sit and observe if you wish.
If you are unsure what you believe or don’t share our beliefs, we still hope that you feel very welcome with us.