Revelation – The Promise of Blessings

Blessed by Hearing the Revelation of Jesus
Speaker: Brent Allred

Blessed by Seeing the Risen Jesus
Speaker: Brent Allred

Blessed by Being Known by Jesus
Speaker: Brent Allred

Blessed by Worshipping the Worthiness of Jesus
Speaker: Brent Allred

Blessed by Being Protected by Jesus
Speaker: Brent Allred

Blessed by Being on Mission for Jesus
Speaker: Brent Allred

Blessed by Being Alert to the Enemy of Jesus
Speaker: Brent Allred

Blessed by Being Ready for the Return of Jesus
Speaker: Brent Allred

Blessed by Being Prepared as the Bride of Jesus
Speaker: Mark Daniell

Blessing by Sharing in the Victory of Jesus
Speaker: Brent Allred

Blessed by Living in the New Creation of Jesus
Speaker: Brent Allred

Blessed by Jesus Coming Soon
Speaker: Sean Venten