Our Story
In the early 1970s, Rowville was considered the outskirts of Melbourne surrounded by farmland. As people began to move into the area, a small number of Christian families met together in their homes. They later moved to meeting on Sunday mornings at a local preschool and Rowville Baptist Community was born.
As families continued to move into the area, a vision for establishing a church in the heart of Rowville developed. In 1980, the first step towards this dream was realised with the purchase of land on Wellington Road. You can imagine these families praying with full hearts under the stars as they walked the land of their dreams for a church.
An old classroom building was moved to the site, which served as the worship centre and meeting place for the community, now formally constituted as Rowville Baptist Church (RBC).
Through the years the facilities at RBC have been extended and buildings added to reflect the changing ministries and church community. Today families, youth, young adults, adults and retirees from diverse backgrounds and life experiences create a vibrant faith community.
To continue the foundational vision for our founding members, a major building program is underway as we continue to follow Jesus and reflect him in the heart of Rowville alongside our sister church, the Eastern Chinese Baptist Church. We trust that the God who planted such a dream over fifty years ago will continue to establish his purposes for RBC today and in the future.